
Hello! My name is Tabi and writing / roleplaying is a big hobby of mine, and I finally sat down and took the time to organize my characters - for your reading pleasure and mine! If you happen to be a roleplayer as well, feel free to DM me if you want to set up a storyline or even just talk about character designs/lore! My writing includes a bit of headcanon, but nothing lore-breaking.

Please do not save, use or distribute the commissioned art of my characters. Seriously, it's a dick move. That includes using them as a reference for a DnD campaign.


Sibella Underhill - Sibs (Moon Guard Alliance)
The prerequisites of beauty are easily achieved by Sibella's inherited appearance, yet for most they are not enough to distract from the heavy scarring that graces her left eye. An unrelenting distraction for any admirer or passerby alike - the milky void of her blinded iris, framed by thin scars that resemble the cracks of a broken mirror. Her disfigurement is not aided by the grim slate grey hue and wanton gaze of her remaining eye, offering no comfort to anyone with a timid demeanor.

Burnt chestnut locks fall in substantial length and casually twist into loose, unstyled waves. Any onlookers tempted to properly evaluate her physique can conclude that she is manicured to the highest degree but retains a waifish, demure posture. She lacks visible wounds or trauma throughout her figure, suggesting that Sibella prefers to distance herself from a militant lifestyle.

Her attire emanates a mix of macabre shades; black, grey and gold - but the gothic styling hints that her roots trace back to a Gilnean heritage. Sibella's reticent and demure voice confirms her lineage, her words thickened by the telltale typical drawl of Gilneans. Solidifying her standards of public presentation are a pair of white bone-button gloves - pure white and free of blemishes.

Estri Whitehaven - Estri (Wyrmrest Accord Horde)
The archeologist’s healthily tanned skin is pocketed with freckles and indented with a myriad of superficial scars. The palms of her hands are often calloused and vigorously scratched from constant climbing, thus are nearly always covered by a pair of weathered gloves. Adding insult to the meticulous physical standards that her family initially pressed, her nails are unevenly clipped and devoid of paint.

Jewelry is never present on her fingers and wrists - her interest has never been captured by glinting gold or shimmering gems. A distinct withdrawal of vanity continues into her hair, providing a long stretch of opulent ivory stresses that are rarely styled or braided. Tangles can be spotted, accompanied by the odd twig or bramble - depending on her most recent adventure. Her homely countenance is devoid of makeup, leaving her lashes a striking white that does little to add severity to her gaze.

Considered odd and absent-minded by the majority of her acquaintances,Estri is moreso aloof than caustic. She prefers the option of a good book and easily grows antsy with idle conversations with strangers. Her demeanor is restless and contemplative, eternally puzzled by the mysteries of Azeroth and the stories of its ghosts rather than the living.

Emissary Elia - Ignite (Moon Guard Alliance)
She was a sight to behold, but not in a way that one might expect of an elf. Blackened veins stretching upwards from her chest to curl menacingly around her jawline. Identical taint lines framed beneath her eyes and spread towards both of her temples. She could pass as a vengeful wraith to the unfocused eye, if it were not for the subtle rise and fall of her chest with each nervous breath.

The gaunt, sunken curves of the former cultist’s frame are indicative of a malnourished and decrepit lifestyle. Even stylized leathers fabricated solely to outline her physique often flap and blow uselessly against strong winds. She holds a frightening resemblance to the withered of Suramar; swallowed by magical corruption that was visible through the etched black veins across her ashen-hued skin. Several deep, scabbed gashes are traceable across her form and the source is easily presented in hastened intervals as the cultist unconsciously scratches her skin in petrified horror. Fortunately for the comfort of the general populace, the scarification is covered by her full-bodied regalia.

Elia’s aura is stiflingly strange. She emits a demeanor of caution and isolation, though lapses into moments of benevolence and cripping curiosity.

Anne Churchill - Wraiths (Wyrmrest Accord Horde)
A thick layer of dust and grime coasts the bottom stretch of her indigo robes - having been swept up by the dragging fabric as the placid forsaken quietly travels between destinations. She now stands at an unimpressive height compared to her once statuesque figure in life, now slouched and shrunk from gradual decomposition. The long, swaying cloth of her regalia conceals the majority animated corpse, but fails to properly obscure the glass-like fragility of her gait.

The silver-trimmed hood adorning her head casts a heavy shadow across her countenance, preventing curious gazes from properly examining her features or expressions. A hallowed twin glow of aeneous orbs peeks through the darkness of her cowl, rarely deviating from their dull and passive hue. While she’s in a well-lit environment, the cowl fails to conceal the lower half of her jawline and mouth - both of which are a shade of olive green but otherwise clean of rot. Perhaps Anne’s most aberrant quality to behold is a quiet smile curling itself upon her lips; though the source of her amusement is always far off what many might assume.

Individuals gifted in magic are invited to partake in Anne’s surprisingly fierce scholarly aura and the underlying cold presence of a mastery in shadow magic. And yet an old rosary is wrapped faithfully around her left wrist, swinging idly like a pendulum even as she stands still.

Farah Blackwood - Felcaster (Moon Guard Alliance)
Upholding the profession of a physician, Farah's appearance opts to follow a clear picture of general health. Her astute posture and slim build is a pleasant sight, although she is blatantly lacking muscle tone - an observation supported by the lack of physical activity in her specialization. Brown skin is relatively unmarred apart from a few thin scars layered on the back of her hands. Green eyes lined with kohl were expressive, but scarcely revealed the physician's thoughts. Her lips were full and lightly painted, holding a tendency to curve and bend in manufactured smiles or frowns.

Farah's regalia is a blend of beautiful shades of emeralds, mauve and grays. It is expertly tailored to suit the woman's figure, though it tends to convince onlookers of a stature of nobility or of a magic user. Fortunately, the woman is unphased by rumors and answers plainly with a vice in luxury and finer things.

Farah's charisma doesn't compare to the socialites of Stormwind, but the fact she's distant and snide is enough to discourage most. To make matters worse, the physician is also mischievous, cynical and cunning, but in an odd way they're balanced by habits of being polite as well.

Eloise Mirthvale - Mirthvale (Moon Guard Alliance)
The pensive expression painted on Eloise's visage implicates her to be an individual of wit and sense. Routinely recorded with a grimoire latched onto her belt and a leather satchel slung over her shoulder, she initially portrays herself as a standard Mage of the Alliance. Flattering gossamer robes adorn her form in a deceivingly protective ensemble, in-laid with expensive and enchanted thread to provide minor defences to a slicing blade. The satchel is in pristine condition, but is noticeably filled by items that tend to jingle and clank if her movements become harsh and rigid. A pair of luxurious pearl earrings dangle between locks of her hair and a polished ivory armband coils ornately around the length of her forearm in the shape of a white serpent.

Thick waves of mauve hair crowns her head, opulently kept and styled to a degree of blatant vanity. The amaranth hue is then replicated in the woman's gaze, which is often highlighted by an accompanying smile or shadowed in brief lapses of avarice. Eloise's sentiments have a traitorous tendency to be revealed in the violet of her eyes, often ruining her poised and collected facade. A dulcet, sweet sounding voice is uncensored and brutally honest - her dialect is expansive and educated but lacks the lustrous quality of a noble-born. A blooming lotus serves as a beautiful ornament in the woman's plum coloured mane, emitting a faint floral aroma. The petals are a dark shade of purple highlighted with an aeneous center - specialists in herbalism might recognize it as a rarity; the mirth lotus.

Era Dawnsorrow - Specialist (Moon Guard Alliance)
In spite of the Dawnsorrow's having renown for flaxen or snow-fallen tresses, Era opted to remove such a distinction through the use of black dye. A fair amount of the thick mane is pinned back in a locked pair of braids, keeping her vision unobscured despite the risks of refusing to keep it suspended in a tail. Long elven brows rarely rise or fall in tune with her expressions, considering she is seldom one to visually showcase her thoughts.

The rogue always looks exhausted and sleep-deprived; so much so that it has been a trademark feature in remembering the elf. But her state of fatigue does little to draw focus away from the pockmarked skin around her eyes and at her forehead. Even the scarce amount of visible skin is evidently a victim of a lifetime of fighting, varying from small white lines from a sharp blade or discoloration from burns off of debris - possibly from burning gases. The elf's ears have been replaced with bronze adjustments, fitting the exact shape solely for racial pride. Judging by the scarring near the base of the ear, it is possible they were forcibly cut off.

Era's body is toned and strengthened past the point of the traditional slender frame of most spellcasters or even other elven combatants. She lacks the svelte curves but gains the stamina and agility to be on par with the best of the best.